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2018 Capital Campaign

The 2018 Capital Campaign has ended.

Thank you so much for your support, Brothers! 


The upcoming capital campaign will address two improvements for the Epsilon-Mu Chapter House. Thanks to the University of Tulsa, all donations to the campaign will be tax-deductible. Our goal is to raise $100,000 for the project.

The first improvement will address the current state of the third-floor chapter hall. Without going into too much detail, and as a Brother, you know why we can't go into too much detail; we can assure you that we will preserve the existing murals. We will be putting in new wood flooring, installing all new trim and lighting, fixing any drywall issues and applying a much-needed coat of paint. The mismatched 1980's couches and seating will also be replaced. 

The second improvement is the patio, deck, and surrounding landscape. The patio and deck on the East side of the house has remained largely unchanged and underutilized for 30+ years. From the photos at the right you can see it's become quite the eyesore with crumbling brick and mortar, cracking concrete, rotting fencing, and deteriorating decking. The lack of privacy combined with the overall degradation of the area has led to the brothers avoiding the space. The goal for phase one of this capital campaign is to completely revitalize the area, transforming it into a usable and enjoyable patio where brotherhood is enjoyed and social activities are held more than once a year. Included below are the conceptual drawings for phase one. In short we'll be looking to perform the following:​

  • Remove the existing deck, fencing, landscaping, and crumbling retaining walls.

  • Install new patio stone.

  • Extend the North fence line pouring new cement pads for grill storage and a new storage shed.

  • Install new privacy fencing around the North (6ft) and East (8ft) sides.

  • Build in new seating walls and an elevated patio with cable rail enclosure.

  • Remove all existing landscape/flower beds and replant with updated, easy to maintain greenery and tie in a new section of piping for the sprinkler system.

  • Remove and install a new front patio to match the East side installation.

  • Pour a cement walkway from the front of the house to the new patio.

The Housing Corporation has unanimously approved these improvements and the budget for this project. We are already off to a great start with $85,106.00 in commitments to date. Thanks to the generosity of Roger Jarvis, the House has been debt-free since the 2011 Capital Campaign. The Housing Corporation has accumulated a significant amount of cash and has pledged $25,000 to this endeavor. You can send your pledge by email to me directly or any of the committee members. 

The Capital Campaign Committee members are listed below along with their very generous and much appreciated pledges:

Ted Sherwood, $2,500

Greg Hopeman, $2,500

Walt Pettit, $2,500

Jim Dilley, $1,500

Hugh Robert, $1,500

We look forward to hearing from you.


Kreston Yates

President - Housing Corporation


Thank You to our Generous Donors!

Housing Corporation - $25000.00

Jonathan Detwiler - $5000.00

Chet Cadieux - $5000.00

Matt Mecke - $5000.00

Anonymous - $4000.00

Ken Petruck - $3000.00

Bob David - $2500.00

Greg Hopeman - $2500.00

Richard Sullivan - $2500.00

Ted Sherwood - $2500.00

Walt Pettit - $2500.00

Philip Felt - $2000.00

Sean Alexander - $2000.00

Vic Mitchell - $2000.00

Hugh Robert - $1501.00

Jim Dilley - $1500.00

JJ Lester - $1500.00

Luke Bomer - $1500.00

Stephen Tyde Jr. - $1000.00

Tony McAuliff - $1000.00

Chris Armstrong - $1000.00

Darien Gandall - $1000.00

Dax Craig - $1000.00

Greg Frizzell - $1000.00

Jay Furmann - $1000.00

Mark Mercer - $1000.00

Mike Colby - $1000.00

Mike Stevens - $1000.00

Robert Manley - $1000.00

Steve Khan - $1000.00

Steve Kovzan - $1000.00

Stuart Ghan - $1000.00

Eric Weidemann - $502.00

KC Meyercord - $502.00

Joey Moppert - $501.00

Adam Merillat - $500.00

Jad Dilley - $500.00

Kevin Soter - $500.00

Kurt Lauterbach - $500.00

Tim Fisher - $500.00

Todd Elliott - $500.00

Jim Idsardi - $500.00

Jim Lonergan - $500.00

Kent Hixon - $500.00

Kip Dorsey - $500.00

Paul Jackson - $500.00

Phil Moppert - $500.00

Ted Sherwood Jr - $500.00

Anonymous - $300.00

Andrew Comstock - $250.00

David Janway - $250.00

Andy Streeter - $250.00

Lee Culver - $250.00

Mike Stafford - $250.00

Jon Novotny - $200.00

T.A. Iadevaia - $200.00

Brad Elliott - $200.00

Jason Corbin - $200.00

Kreston Yates - $200.00

Nicholas Pettyjohn - $200.00

Ted Feldmeier - $200.00

Austin Landes - $150.00

Jeremy Price - $150.00

Brady Wilton - $100.00

Steve Henry - $100.00

Tom Conroy - $100.00


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